I had the privilege of updating Hillside Farmacy’s social media content for their newest menu items :
the Farmacy Plate, Burger & Malt Vinegar Fries and Pork.
The employees were as darling as they were kind.

I had the privilege of updating Hillside Farmacy’s social media content for their newest menu items :
the Farmacy Plate, Burger & Malt Vinegar Fries and Pork.
The employees were as darling as they were kind.
Good morning, Darling.
First and foremost, please push play.
"Tell me again how night ends?" asked Little Owl.
"Moon flowers close
And morning glories open" replied Mama Owl.
"Dew drops sparkle and
Spider webs like tiny threads hang down.
The rooster crows.
The crows caw,
And the day begins."
But little owl did not hear,
for he was fast asleep.
[An excerpt from Little Owl's Night, one of Emiliana's favorite books, written by a local author gifted to us by Diana Uribe and one we gift frequently.]
Waking Up at Jo's on SoCo
So this is how it goes. I brush my teeth, eyes still closed. I throw my baseball cap on over my hair. I stumble/race out the door, throwing my closed bag over my shoulder as I barely arrive at SoCo as the sun begins to rise. The cotton candy clouds forming on the horizon make me grateful I'm here, but I'm still barely awake to think straight. I back-in parking (maybe twice because I'm in such a hurry/still asleep), open my camera bag and...
my camera's not there.
This is so typical me. Trying to do anything for 33 days in a row- as the Hebrews would say - hineini, or rather, hineh ani. Here I am. I showed up, be it even without camera in tow, and today, this is enough.
Sitting on South Congress
at 6:33am
to document the sun rise,
but using words
instead of pictures,
iced two shots of espresso
one pump of mocha,
people passing
sun filling my eyes
making a memory
in words
without a lens
but the two gifted me
C'est la vie.
Have a lovely day, my friend.
At 5:45am as my alarm went off I struggled with either driving downtown or staying closer to home. I hit the snooze and drove to the park Emiliana and I frequent.
Waking up at Mueller Lake Park
While it's a man made recent development, I read they planned the lake around the existing trees and old airport hanger. Well-played, Austin. Since my old favorite willow tree at Butler Park was cut down last fall, I find much solace in the older willows that grace the lake here.
There's a farmers market on Sunday mornings next to the hangar, from 10-2pm. That's when there's fresh produce from several local farms, a couple of local coffee brewers, baked goods and a few unique shops like vintage spoons etched and custom knives. It's one of the better ones in Austin, I think, mostly because of the live music and children running around. Oftentimes Tiny Tails to You will set up shop with baby animals and they'll be a face-painter and story-telling too. And that's just on Sunday.
The Thinkery, the newly built children's museum is a few blocks away and a gigantic outdoor park just across the street. It's quiet on the weekdays. I was surprised with just how few runners there were. I pretty much shared the park with the ducks trying to nip at my calves and turtles until closer to 8AM. By 8:30 there were kids and dog walkers and the sun high in the sky.
I didn't know what to expect this morning. I found Mueller to be a nature haven compared to the concrete and architecture that surrounded me yesterday. I've not claimed to nor ever felt myself a nature photographer, but this morning it was delightful trying to find the tiniest almost imperceptible changes that the rising of the sun brought. I would walk down a path the sun hadn't hit and 5 minutes later the entire field was lit up with an explosion of light.
It's all about timing, right? Timing and trust.
I have a lot to learn...
Good morning, Mueller. :) The pleasure was mine.